Out of State Agencies
Information on this web site is intended to assist Out-of-State IV-D agencies in processing their child support enforcement cases. Out-of-State Agencies can benefit from the high-level overview of our county’s child support enforcement program which includes:
- Interstate Case Initiation Procedures
- International/ Hague Convention Case
- Required Forms and Information
- Request for certified court orders and payment history
- Parentage Testing
- Payment Processing
- Contacting the Central Case Registry
- Electronic Document Exchange (EDE)
- Intergovernmental Reference Guide (IRG)
Parentage Testing
In most cases, the person paying support will be ordered to pay costs for parentage tests. However, in interstate cases, the initiating state pays for the test and seeks reimbursement of the costs by court order. The responding state must attempt to obtain a judgment for the costs of parentage testing and forward any payments received to the initiating state.
Payment Processing
Responding states electing to impose fees or recovery costs for processing support payments may deduct those fees from the support payment. However, the responding state must notify us, the initiating state, of the full amount collected and the amount charged.
For example, if a cost recovery state collects $200 in child support and deducts a $3 fee, that state forwards $197 to California (the initiating state) along with a notice stating that $200 was paid by the person paying support and $3 was retained for processing the payment.
California is not a cost recovery state.
Central Case Registry
The California Central Registry (CCR) serves as the single point for the submission and processing of interstate child support enforcement cases. CCR analysts:
- Examine all incoming inter-jurisdictional and Hague Convention Cases;
- Review the documents from other states for completeness;
- Send the cases to the Department of Child Support Services in the county where the person paying support resides
Maintain an ongoing liaison between the 58 California Department of Child Support Services and the various child support enforcement agencies of the initiating states.
CCR is one of the major functions under the direction of the State Department of Justice. You may contact the California Central Registry at:
Intergovernmental Services Section (IGS) / Central Registry
P.O Box 419072
Rancho Cordova, CA 95741
Direct Phone: 888-851-6314 *Fax (916)636-2410
Email address: [email protected]
Establishing an Order
When an initiating state requests establishment of any type of order from California, the following forms must always be included in the packet:
- Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #1 – Initial Request
- OCSE Declaration in Support of Establishing Parentage
- General Testimony
- Uniform Support Petition
- Personal Information Forms for UIFSA 311
- Birth Certificates
- Parentage Documentation
- All documents must be signed and notarized as appropriate
Public Assistance Reimbursement
When an initiating state requests establishment of any type of order from California, the following forms must always be included in the transmittal package:
- Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #1 – Initial Request
- General Testimony
- Uniform Support Petition (3 certified copies or original plus 2 copies)
To request the establishment of a support order and public assistance reimbursement, the initiating state must also provide the timeframes for public assistance reimbursement and the monthly public assistance grant amount. California will only allow collection of public assistance reimbursement for the 12 months prior to the filing of the Complaint.
All documents must be signed and notarized as appropriate.

Public Assistance Reimbursement Only
To request the establishment of an order for public assistance reimbursement only, the initiating state must also provide the timeframes for public assistance reimbursement and the monthly public assistance grant amount. California will only allow collection of public assistance reimbursement for the 12 months prior to the filing of the Complaint.
Parentage and Support Order
When an initiating state requests establishment of any type of order from California, the following forms must always be included in the transmittal package:
- Uniform Support Petition
- General Testimony
- Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #1 – Initial Request
- OCSE Declaration in Support of Establishing Parentage
- Personal Information Forms for UIFSA 311
- Birth Certificates
To request the establishment of parentage and a support order the initiating state must also provide, an Affidavit in Support of Establishing Parentage or an acknowledgement of parentage signed by the father and notarized. A birth certificate is not acceptable.
All documents must be signed and notarized as appropriate.

Parentage Only
When an initiating state requests establishment of any type of order from California, the following forms must always be included in the transmittal package:
- Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #1 – Initial Request
- General Testimony
- Uniform Support Petition One original of the required documents .
To request the establishment of parentage the initiating state must also provide, an Affidavit in Support of Establishing Parentage or an acknowledgement of parentage signed by the father and notarized. A birth certificate is not acceptable.
All documents must be signed and notarized as appropriate.
The Interstate perspective and or case will close once the courts have filed the judgment for parentage unless the request to enforce is marked on the Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #1 – Initial Request.
Modification of an Order
When an initiating state requests that California modify an existing order, the following forms must always be included in the transmittal package:
- Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #1 – Initial Request
- General Testimony
- Uniform Support Petition (only needed if order not issued in California)
- Registration Statement (only needed if order not issued in California)
- Declaration of Support Payment History
- Personal Information Forms for UIFSA 311
- Certified copy of ALL court orders
- Proof of income: Paystubs, W-2, Filed taxes
All documents must be signed and notarized as appropriate. One original of the required documents is needed.
The Interstate perspective and or case will close once the courts have filed the modification of the support order.
Enforcement of an Order
When an initiating state requests that California enforce an existing order, the following forms must be included in the transmittal package:
- Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #1 – Initial Request
- Child Support agency Confidentiality Notice
- Personal Information form UIFSA 311
- One certified copy of the ALL court orders
- A certified, notarized, month-by-month affidavit of arrears
- Registration Statement (only needed if order not issued in California)
California has no statute of limitations on the collection of arrears. They are enforceable until paid in full.
All documents must be signed and notarized as appropriate. One original of the required documents is needed.